5/20/2019 0 Comments Across the Universe![]() I See Dead People! Ok well not exactly in the same way as Haley Joel Osmet, but for years I have had this notion that the spirits and the energies move around me in a way that the signs are obvious that something bigger is always in play. I find this to be exciting information because I know that I am not alone. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t hang out with spirits when my family is out of the house. Come on that’s creepy. What I mean is that I feel a universal connection and the more intense my feelings, the more I feel able to connect to the intangible. It’s a Small World After All Recently I had an incident happen that involved someone from my past that I was thinking about intensely for a moment in time. This woman, I had given up on trying to find via social networking because she simply did not live on facebook. I had been trying to find this old and dear friend for years since we lost touch, even before social media. I tried for years but to no avail. I was reminded again of her recently this past summer when the Grateful Dead were playing a last concert in Chicago. We had been diehard “deadheads” and as I watched the highlights on the news from the comfort of my living room I was instantly transplanted back to those days and my feelings about those times were so intense as I spun around my living room in my beloved hippy dance, much to the horror of my son. That Monday, I received a friend request from a mutual friend. She messaged me to say “your ears must have been burning this weekend as Cathy and I were both in Chicago at the Dead show and we were talking about old friends and your name was at the top of our list.” We finally found each other and it happened because somewhere in the world, two energies were on the same wavelength at the same time and the intensity of our emotions transcended both time and space. Feel It Baby So how can this idea of emotionally intense attraction work for you. Well I am not going to go all theory of “the secret” on you but there is something to the notion that we are conduits of energy and that energy travels and moves through us. Why is it that when you are afraid of seemingly nothing, the hair on the back of your neck stands up. That is a protective energy alerting you. What about those hunches you get or those “gut feelings”, they are usually spot on, unless of course you choose to ignore them.
You Feel Me? What a great question. But what does it really mean. For the students that I teach, it means, “do you understand where I am coming from?” Isn’t that what it is really about. We all want to be understood. How is it that young people put the words to the meaning, because without the “feeling” you don’t understand. So when you are trying to bring the positive into your life, if the feelings don’t match the belief you are going to be left hanging. You are going to give up on the notion of positive intentions. Why? Because the intention is not going to happen if the emotional energy is not strong enough to bring it to light. The Universe Delivers I spent years looking for this old friend of mine. I asked my brother who worked in background investigations to see if he could find an address. I asked other mutual friends if they had an address. I found dead ends everywhere. It wasn’t until I danced, unencumbered, in the middle of my living room, lost in a trance of past happiness, lost in memories of a friend that I had loved so dearly, lost in a moment of pure positive energy, asking nothing, but feeling everything, that the universe delivered-and in such a timely manner. Maybe Jerry Garcia had a hand in it. Ha! Whatever the case, “what a long strange trip it’s been” , and may it continue to be so.
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